خيرة الصادق (ع)

by AlYamaniMedia

Books & Reference


On the authority of Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him): ((We used to learn Istikharah just as we learn a surah from the Qur’an. Then he said: I do not care if I pray Istikharah on which side of my body I fall)) [Wasa’il al-Shi’ah - Chapter on Istikharah Prayer]. One of the ways to know the unseen is Istikhara. Istikhara is the question of God Almighty, and it is the answer to every confused person who has lost his way. Rather, going into a matter or entering into it without seeking Istikhara without asking God is a reprehensible matter. On the authority of Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him): “Whoever enters into a matter without seeking Istikhara will be tested and will not be rewarded.” [Wasa’il al-Shi’ah - Chapter on Istikharah Prayer].This application provides you with an easy window into the best of Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) contained on his authority. In addition, this application shows you the virtue of Istikhara, as explained by the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him), and the method of performing Istikhara with simplified steps.For any suggestions or inquiries, please contact the following email: [email protected]: God, Qur’an, Islam, Shiite, Shiite, Sunni, Sunni, Mahdi, allegiance to God, Imam, Al-Sadiq, best, Istikhara